Press Kit

Jason Blake is really a master of his craft.
— Rock Times


Jason Blake plays the Warr Guitar, a twelve-string instrument incorporating the range of a guitar and bass. It is played by tapping the strings, a technique known as touch style guitar. In this setting, Jason typically uses his semi-hollow acoustic version of the instrument.

For his solo work, Jason has composed an assortment of instrumental material aimed to be catchy, relaxing, and the perfect accompaniment to any event or space. Coupled with instrumental versions of some classic songs, his set has earned him regular appearances at different venues around the Midwest. This music works perfectly in any setting such as coffee houses, breweries, restaurants or festivals.

Radiant Dusk and its accompanying EP, Seemingly Quixotic, showcase this intimate style of touch guitar evoking a more folky, jazzy side of Jason’s playing.






Jason Blake is really a master of his craft.
— Rock Times
He once again confirms why he is one of the most distinguished technicians on the Warr.
— Betreutes Proggen
Blake’s mastery of the Warr is evident, and his technical and compositional proficiency is matched only by his emotive playing.
— ReGen Magazine
The first thing you notice is how full and rich each song sounds, perfectly capturing the versatility and depth that can be achieved with this one instrument.
— Prog On
